Black Walnut Shell Media

Composition Materials has been supplying premium-grade Black Walnut Shell products for over 60 years. Black Walnut Shell (juglans nigra) is a sustainably-sourced biodegradable abrasive with unique characteristics when comparing with the more common variety English Walnut Shell (juglans regia).

Black Walnuts have a particularly hard shell which offers advantages especially as a filtration media. In filtration applications, Black Walnut Shell offers an efficient all-natural solution for separating oil or suspended solids from water. This media also offers excellent performance in blasting, cleaning and polishing operations.

Contact us for product selection and technical support at (800) 262-7763.


PACKAGING: 50 lb. Bags ▪ 40 Bags per Pallet ▪ 2,000 lb. Super-Sacks

APPLICATIONS: Filtration ▪ Blasting ▪ Paint & Coating Removal ▪ Cleaning ▪ Polishing

SIZES: 6/10 ▪ 8/12 ▪ 12/20 ▪ 20/30 ▪ 30/100 ▪ -100

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