White Aluminum Oxide

White Aluminum Oxide Grit

Composition Materials supplies 99.4% pure White Aluminum Oxide abrasive in all standard sizes. This product is used in a wide variety of industries including: automotive, aircraft, medical, dental, cosmetic and flooring. Obtained from the fusion of calcined alumina in electric arc furnaces, this sharp, fast-cutting, very hard abrasive is effective in media blasting, cleaning, glass etching and surface preparation. In the cosmetics industry, Microdermabrasion Crystals are used for exfoliation creams and skin treatments. 

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APPEARANCE: White Angular Grit

HARDNESS: 9.0 MOH ▪ 2,100 – 3,000 kgf/cm2 (Knoop – 100)


CHEMISTRY : Al2O3: 99.43% ▪ NA2O: .43% ▪ Fe2O3: .03%

PACKAGING: 50 lb. Bags ▪ 40 Bags / Pallet ▪ Supersacks

SIZES: #12 ▪ #16 ▪ #20 ▪ #24 ▪ #30 ▪ #36 ▪ #46 ▪ #54 ▪ #60 ▪ #70 ▪#80< ▪ #90 ▪ <#100 ▪ #120 ▪ #150 ▪ #180 ▪ #220 ▪ #240 ▪ #280 ▪ #320 ▪ #360 ▪ #400 ▪ #500 ▪ #600 ▪ #800 ▪ #1000 ▪ #1200

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